Daphne - Sitia

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Daphne è una poltrona imbottita, caratterizzata da uno stile di curve minimale, accostato ad un’estetica ricercata, espressione di una forte personalità. L’eleganza pura del design incontra il comfort assoluto, accordato esteticamente anche con linee semplici ed armoniche.

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    Pergentino Battocchio

    Pergentino Battocchio was born in Bassano del Grappa in 1954. At the only age of 13 years, he begins the work that today we can consider a great masterpiece. His disposition towards upholstery and filled design works for interiors, office and community begins since the first period of his career. After various working experiences for the most famous local companies, at the age of 20 he feels the need to be a sole trader.