6 December 2024
Buongiorno Martina,
volevo comunicarvi che i divanetti ‘Pergy’ sono piaciuti molto al cliente finale, vi copio/incollo quello che ci hanno scritto:
“Buongiorno Sara,
Gli arredi sono bellissimi, sono piaciuti tantissimo a tutti soprattutto al nostro CEO (ed era la persona che ci aveva chiesto un cambiamento e dato carta bianca).”
I feedback sono tutti positivi.
Grazie mille
Vi auguro una buona giornata,
a presto
Amato S. from ITALY
8 December 2023
Hi Martina,
Our client was delighted with the sofa!
We just came from site today and it was perfect for the brief given.
Thank you sincerely to all in Sitia for helping us with this project.
We will be placing some more very soon with you all.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Kind Regards
Casserley L. from IRELAND
1 December 2023
Dear Emanuel, Martina and Chiara,
We are absolutely delighted with the sofa! It was installed yesterday and is superb!
Thank you very much! We are looking forward to receiving the dining chairs.
Kind regards,
Kravetz J. From UK
22 June 2023
Thank you so much Emanuel,
You are a star!
Kind Regards
Casserley L. from IRELAND
23 June 2022
Dear Emanuel and Martina,
Hope you are doing great! Please see attached some images of our showroom for your reference and perusal.
We are proud to be partners of Sitia.
Have a lovely day,
22 December 2021
Liebe Martina,
lieber Emanuel,
ich möchte heute die Gelegenheit einmal nutzen und mich bei Euch recht herzlich für die gute Zusammenarbeit bedanken.
Bei unseren diversen Projekten in München und Umgebung, die wir in den letzten Jahren zusammen realisierten, war die Zusammenarbeit mit Euch erstklassig !!.
Eure qualitativ hochwertigen Möbel wurden von unseren Kunden mit Begeisterung aufgenommen.
Sowohl Emanuel Battocchio mit seiner Familie als Inhaber der Firma Sitia als auch seine motivierten Mitarbeiter bieten einen Kundenservice an, der in der heutigen Geschäftswelt schon sehr selten geworden ist.
Somit macht es einfach Spaß, Projekte mit in Liebe zum Detail gefertigten Möbeln von Sitia auszustatten.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Wolfgang R. from GERMANY
8 November 2021
Dear Emanuel,
I hope you enjoyed a very relaxing weekend.
I would like to say thank you once again for prompt feedback to our client’s inquiries, it was super helpful.
Since our last update for materials samples booklet since years ago, I am kindly asking for your latest samples sets, for our 2 showroom HCMC and Hanoi.
And for any updates of Sitia (price list, new products, …) kindly keep me posted.
I look forward to your respond.
Have a energized Monday start!
Best regards,
Nguyen N. from SINGAPORE
28 October 2021
Dear Emanuel,
Thank you so much, that offer looks amazing! Not just in terms of pricing, but also in terms of look and feel. Nice.
Have a great evening!
Mariska B. from NETHERLANDS
18 February 2021
Thanks a million Emanuel,
Appreciate your quick reply as always; these are gorgeous!
Lynne C. from IRELAND
21 December 2020
Si, Vuestro producto es espectacular !!!
Yo estoy súper segura de la calidad y lo grandísimos profesionales que sois .
Muchas gracias a vosotros
Felices fiestas!!! El día 28 tenemos los agentes de España una visita virtual!!
Seguro que será estupenda
Un abrazo
Nuria F. – SPAGNA
21 December 2020
La propuesta de la silla le ha gustado muchísimo , la aprobación de la compra depende del Principado de …………… ya que es la silla para el Presidente de esta comunidad autónoma en España.
En enero nos dirán algo.
Pero la rapidez con la que lo habéis enviado y la maravilla de producto que fabricáis , seguro que optarán por esta silla de Dirección.
Muchas gracias
Nuria F. – SPAGNA
15 December 2020
Ciao Emanuel,
ti ringrazio per la Pergy, dalle foto è bella ma dal vivo è veramente bellissima e comoda.
Ti faccio i complimenti!!!!!
ciao e buone feste!!!!
Alice da Padova – ITALIA
10 December 2020
Ciao Emanuel,
Magnifico e splendido video! Complimenti! Siete bravissimi! Vi ringraziamo moltissimo per l’aiuto!
Alessandra L. da Kyiv – UCRAINA
28 October 2020
Wow guys, your support really means a world to us!!!
Thank you so so much, we are really proud to work with you!
Have a lovely afternoon,
Vanja R. from Abu Dhabi – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
28 October 2020
Dear Emanuel,
Wow..thank you always for your help and support!
It’s so wonderful to work with you guys and you’ve done it again on time.
We will keep you posted!
Thank you and best regards,
William N. from Abu Dhabi – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
08 October 2020
Hello Federica,
I’d like to thank you and Emanuel for hosting such a great session.
I can only say, it was DIFFERENT.
We all enjoyed to the maximum.
Looking forward working with you on much more project.
Thanks again,
Syed Z. from Saudi Arabia
25 September 2020
Hello again Martina,
You are a star!!!!
Thank you very much for your speed and prompt response!
I immediately send it to the client for their agreement and signature and I will also send it back to you signed as soon as possible!Thank you again for your kind attention and a very happy weekend,
My best greetings,
Mabel S. from Venezuela – America Meridionale
31 July 2020
Lunedì le scriverò per fissare l’appuntamento per i nostri nuovi acquisti.
Che bello: sono passati tanti anni e siamo ancora Clienti
Le Vostre sembrano ancora nuove!
Cari saluti
Marco B. da Padova – ITALIA
31 July 2020
Grazie mille, we love Mr Brown!
Vania R. from Abu Dhabi – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
29 May 2020
Thank you sincerely Emanuel for all of your help and assistance on getting these armchairs shipped today.
You are very much appreciated by all our team. Hope you enjoy the long weekend also.
Kind Regards,
Lynne C. from Dublin – IRELAND
24 October 2019
Dear Giovanna,
My Pleasure working first time with your company hope we have a fruitful future business and more orders from you.
Have a Great Day.
Best Regards,
Oscar from Abu Dhabi – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
18 September 2019
Dear Emanuel,
We wish to thank you for the fast production of the armchairs you made.
They were perfectly made and we appreciate the quality, the time taken and even the packing.
Thank you very much!
Warm regards,
Suresh N. from Singapore – SINGAPORE
19 June 2019
Dear Giovanna,
I just want to inform you that the chairs arrived today.
After unpacking them (which took some time since they where packed very carefully) I checked the chairs (I signed the transport document “with reserve”). The chairs are ok.
More than this, they are wonderful. I am delighted about the design, the quality and how wonderful they look in my dining room.
Thank you for the great service. I will recommend your products in my company and to my friends J
Kind regards,
Renate K. from Großebersdorf – AUSTRIA
23 May 2019
Good evening Giovanna,
Thank you so much for sending over the chair images and specifications so quickly.
They are useful for our meeting with the architect tomorrow. Hope we’ll get some positive results.
Best Regards
Andrew T. from Singapore – SINGAPORE
07 February 2019
Dear Ms. Giovanna,
Good day to you.
Thank you for the beautiful presentation.
Appreciate for your kind assistance and support as always.
Shall keep you posted for further development of this project.
Have a pleasant day ahead.
Best regards,
Janice P. from Dubai – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
25 January 2019
Наталья, добрый вечер.
Весь день в запарке, не успел ответить.
Клиент и его дети очень довольны креслами!
Я лично с большим удовольствием предлагаю продукцию фабрики Sitia после того как сам увидел кресла в живую и получил замечательный отзыв.
Спасибо за Вашу помощь!
23 January 2019
Dear Emanuel,
If I received this feedback, I’d buy it instantly, for sure!
We will keep you posted and thanks for a prompt response and support, Emanuel.
We truly appreciate it.
Tatiana H. from Dubai – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
23 January 2019
Dear Emanuel,
Thank you so much for taking the time to prepare this for us.
We very much appreciate this effort, and support!
We will share this with the client and hopefully get back to you with good news.
Thank you very much! 🙂
Tatiana H. from Dubai – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
21 December 2018
Dear Giovanna, Dear Emanuel,
We received yesterday our office chair. This is perfect matching color with my office.
Black or white is a perfect office chair: very good quality, perfect handmanscraft, no daubts.
Looking forward to see you early 2019 for the interior of our houses…one is soon ready, the other two late next year.
Ariane and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Happy NEW YEAR.
A prosperous 2019.
Warm regards,
Berend W. from Bruxelles – BELGIUM
23 November 2018
Dear Emanuel,
Adnan is our collegue who works 3d projections for this hotel project and I forwarded him the link to download 3d models to put on above project.
Thank you soo much give us protection!!!
Kind regards,
22 November 2018
Hi Emanuel,
I was in a meeting this morning and just saw your 3 missed calls. But always good to learn that we have a reliable partner in Sitia. Please go ahead with production.
Caroline from our office will pass on the PO as soon as possible. I will let our client know that he will have the chairs in time. Great service as always Emanuel!
Robert Jan H. from THE NETHERLANDS
06 November 2018
Good evening, I hope you are keeping well?
A note of sincere thanks and appreciation for extending the same price range for this new order with ourselves, Julia has pointed out the price bands vary per product, we hadn’t picked up on this hence believed that the G fabric was in a lower price band to H.
We are really excited to have gotten this order through with our client and cannot wait to get it showcased by a professional photographer so that we have a local project by Sitia that we can promote locally here.
Thank you once again and we are excited for your additional items in your portfolio to launch in 2019.
We greatly appreciate your support.
Kind Regards
Michelle L. from Dublin – IRELAND
18 July 2018
(Reply to newsletter ” SITIA IS OPEN FOR SUMMER ― HUMANS AT WORK”)
That’s such a cute newsletter, me and William love it!
Have a lovely day,
Vanja R. from Abu Dhabi – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
03 July 2018
Please to found attached the bank transfer for the cushions orders.
Please to send the order asap.
We can also notice that our customer are very happy with the efficiency of the transportation company.
Many thanks for the good assistance for this order, it’s a pleasure to work with you.
Virginie B. from Antwerp – BELGIUM
09 May 2018
Hi Julia,
I am very well thanks a million and hope you are too!?
This interior architect is currently working on this project as we speak and said she will be in touch soon with the furniture schedule.
Fingers crossed we will get them over the line now!
PS: Look at the images of this gorgeous Gingko Chair from another project we just recently installed with the same Architect Firm!
This is a temporary boardroom table with them at the minute so when the final one arrives will send you over some more images… but I genuinely LOVE this chair!
Will be in touch soon and thank you for all of your help and quality of products
Kind Regards,
Lynne C. from Dublin – IRELAND
09 May 2018
Oh Wow Julia!!
Love this and thanks a million for sharing!!
This looks like something from Star Wars I love it!!
Lynne C. from Dublin – IRELAND
22 January 2018
Hi Emanuel,
We are fine, hope things are well with you too. Thank you for putting in efforts for this small order, my team really appreciates it. Please rest be assured we will always keep Sitia products in mind for our proposals.
Thanks again and have a good weekend.
Angeline K. from Singapore – SINGAPORE
29 September 2017
Hi Julia and Emanuel,
The trip far exceeded my expectations and I am full of possibilities now.
On a personal note, I don’t think I have ever felt so welcomed by a group of people before and I look forward to working more closely with you guys.
Stay in touch – you guys were so amazing and Sitia is in my head.
Paul D.
28 September 2017
Julia/ Emanuel,
Thank you so much for your kind hospitality. We will never forget the amazing experience.
The trip was very insightful and really good all the opportunities Sitia has to offer.
We will be in touch soon regarding projects and continue to enjoy building a strong partnership.
Look forward to speaking to you both soon.
All the best,
Emma B.
08 Luglio 2016
Sedie stupende! Complimenti e grazie
Michela da Trento – ITALIA
08 Aprile 2016
Emanuel, le nuove immagini condivise sono eccezionali. Sono certo che gli architetti ne rimarranno colpiti.
Robert J. H. dai PAESI BASSI
19 Febbraio 2016
Davvero un ottimo lavoro Emanuel. Abbiamo molto apprezzato il tuo aiuto ed impegno.
Gabriella G. da Trento – ITALIA
26 Marzo 2015
La ringrazio sinceramente della sua visita presso il nostro laboratorio, siamo stati felici di conoscerla di persona e le facciamo i nostri complimenti per l’eccellenza dei suoi prodotti.
Mi auguro di potere esporre al meglio i suoi prodotti ai nostri futuri committenti.
Lucia A. M. da Roma – ITALIA